Bourses d’Etudes pour la Hollande
Bourses Huygens
For outstanding students who have completed a bachelor’s programme. Nationals of 53 countries (Morocco, Egypt, South Africa for Africa) are eligible.
Programme offers outstanding foreign students an opportunity to study for a period of between three and ten months at a Dutch university or hogeschool (university of professional education) or at one of the eligible research institutes in the Netherlands. Huygens scholarships are meant for students who are nearing completion of their studies or have recently graduated. ‘Huygens’ is an acronym for ‘High-level University Year to Gain Excellence in the Netherlands’. But ‘Huygens’ is also the name of two famous scholars of the 17th century: Constantijn Huygens and his son Christiaan Huygens. Constantijn was a politician, poet, language expert and composer of music. Christiaan was a physicist and the inventor of the pendulum clock. The name is a way of inviting students who possess the same sort of excellence and drive as Constantijn and Christiaan Huygens to come to the Netherlands for a period of study or research alongside the Netherlands’ top experts in the student’s field. The subject of such a period can vary from a narrow specialization within the physical sciences to business studies, and from sociology to classical music.
Pour en savoir plus
Department for International Academic Relations
P.O. Box 29777
2502 LT The Hague
Tél : 070-4260236
Mél : [email protected]
Site Internet :
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