Offre d’emploi – Burkina-Faso, Mali, Rwanda, Senegal

Local Associate

NORC at the University of Chicago is seeking a Local Associate in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda to collect data for an evaluation of the Transparency and Accountability Program Phase 3 (TAP Phase 3) long-term grant program. To learn more about the program please visit ; to learn more about NORC please visit .

The Local Associate will be contracted as a consultant with a contract renewed on an annual basis from February 2011 – July 2013. There will be three separate data collections. The first will take place from March – May 2011, a second, smaller data collection, from September – October 2012, and the last from April – June 2013. Data collection will be accomplished using email surveys, in-person surveys, and semi-structured in-person interviews. The Local Associate will receive training in all responsibilities by NORC project staff in March 2011. The first and third data collections are estimated at 25 days of work; the second is estimated at 8 days of work.

During the first and third data collections, the Local Associate will:
1. Identify over 50 members of the “policy community” in the health and education sectors from three categories: (a) government officials or members of parliament, (b) leaders of NGOs, (c) other significant actors such as members of the media, international institutions, researchers, or donor agencies.
2. Complete 50 in-person interviews of about 1 hour in length with these policy community members. (The Local Associate may decide to hire and train an interviewer to conduct the interviews and will be responsible for ensuring the quality of these interviews by calling 50% of the respondents with a short verification telephone survey.)
3. Administer an email survey to the grantee organization and follow-up with a semi-structured in-person interview.
4. Complete 5-10 semi-structured in-person interviews with members of the policy community.
5. Enter all data and transmit it to NORC.
6. Prepare reports based on the survey findings.
7. Regularly communicate with NORC project staff and review project documents.
The second data collection will only consist of the semi-structured interviews with the grantee and 5-10 members of the policy community, along with data delivery and communication (items 3-7).

Minimum Qualifications
• Bachelor’s degree
• 5 years research experience
• Fluency in English
• Detailed knowledge of the policy community in your country, preferably in the health and education sectors
• Survey and/or qualitative interviewing experience
• Prefer knowledge of and experience with policy research organizations and/or NGOs

Please submit a resume, cover letter and completed application form to Aaron Wilson at [email protected] by February 10, 2011.


Local Associate Application Form

Limit your answers to 200 words per question.

1. Please describe your experience in conducting surveys or interviews for research purposes.

2. Tell us about your ability to identify and collect contact information for government officials, members of parliament, members of the media, researchers, international institutions, or donors your country involved in impacting policy. Please focus on the health and education sectors when applicable.

3. Describe your experience with policy research and advocacy organizations and NGOs in your country.

4. Please list 3 references with contact information who can speak about any of your work listed in the answers to questions 1-3.

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