Education in West Africa is a groundbreaking book project, scheduled to be published early 2014 by Bloomsbury. We have received chapters on all countries in West Africa except three. We are, therefore, inviting interested authors to submit chapters on the following countries:
Benin, Chad, Mauritania
Existing studies dedicated to West Africa as a region have been selective in the choice of countries. This book is significant at a time when the driving force towards economic integration in the region is accelerating due to more discoveries of natural resources, the increasing need for a united front in engaging more effectively with global trade, and the need to grasp the complex nature of the issues that characterise the various sectors of the different countries. In this case, the education sectors of these countries seem even more crucial since their success has significant reverberations for manpower/skills development, job creation and their subsequent impact on the economies of the region. The following are the topics for the chapters for which contributors are required:
1. Education in Benin: An Overview, Trends and Futures
2. Education in Chad: An Overview, Trends and Futures
3. Education in Mauritania: An Overview, Trends and Futures
If you have not previously published on the above topics, please send an abstract to the Editor at [email protected] (no later than 15th January, 2014) to register your interest and for more details. Final drafts of chapters must be submitted by the 15th of February, 2014. Please, put ‘Education in West Africa’ in the subject line.