St. Gallen Symposium – Leaders of Tomorrow

Would you like to discuss the world’s most pressing issues with top decision-makers like Robert Dudley, Prof. Niall Ferguson, Christine Lagarde or Ratan Tata? Are you interested in competing with the world’s brightest students?

If your answer to these questions is “yes”, seize your opportunity and qualify as “Leader of Tomorrow” for the St. Gallen Symposium through our student essay competition for the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award. The St. Gallen Symposium is the world’s premier platform for intergenerational dialogue. The 42nd St. Gallen Symposium will be held from 3–4 May 2012 under the topic “Facing Risk”.
The authors of the 100 best contributions qualify for the St. Gallen Symposium, which includes the following highlights:
–    Free participation as “Leader of Tomorrow” in the 42nd St. Gallen Symposium
–    Meet 600 distinguished entrepreneurs, top managers, politicians and scientists from more than 60 nations
–    Meet 200 of the world’s brightest young minds from all over the world
–    Expenses covered (flight, board and lodging)
–    Chance to win the St. Gallen Wings of Excellence Award, endowed with EUR 20,000.–, including a speech in front of the assembled plenum
To give you a first impression of what a participation in our symposium is like, we kindly invite you to visit and to like us on!/StGallenSymposium.
You may also forward the information about this opportunity to your fellow students and friends as they may be interested in competing for the award and in experiencing the unparalleled St. Gallen Symposium as well.

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