The Knight Fellowships awards

The Knight Fellowships awards

The international application deadline for the 2011-2012 academic year is Dec. 15, 2010.

The Knight Fellowships awards up to nine fellowships each year to journalists from outside the United States who have already done first-rate work and who have the potential of great impact in journalism in their home countries. The program has revised its selection process to reflect a new emphasis on journalistic innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership, including an emphasis on developing and strengthening press freedoms around the world.

The overall goal for international fellows is the same as those from the U.S. – an engaged, informed public. We are paying special attention to countries where the obstacles to this goal may be more acute than in the U.S. because of government or other powerful forces opposed to free expression.

The program is seeking journalists from countries where the news media can work as a significant agent of change, both in nurturing a free press and fostering innovation. At the same time, we will continue to seek international journalists from countries with a more robust press, especially those who would focus on innovation and entrepreneurship.

Eligibility and Selection
Applicants ideally will have at least five years of full-time professional experience, but applicants with less experience yet outstanding achievements will also be considered. There are no educational prerequisites. No college degree is required.

Applicants should fall into one of these categories (or some combination of them):

Full-time journalists
Journalism entrepreneurs and innovators
Journalism business and management executives
Full-time journalists who are eligible include those who write or edit news, commentary, or editorials; critics and reviewers, photojournalists, editorial cartoonists and supervising editors, anchors, and producers. They may be working for newspapers, wire services, television or radio news departments, web sites, magazines that cover news, commentary or public affairs, or as full-time freelance or independent journalists.

Journalism entrepreneurs and innovators who are eligible include those whose work or proposals have the potential for great journalistic impact.

And journalism business and management executives who are eligible include those whose work influences editorial quality, such as publishers, general managers, and station managers.

Those working in public information or public relations jobs, for trade and house newsletters or magazines, for government agencies, or as teachers, are not eligible.

Fellows must agree to devote their energy during the year to the fellowship itself rather than to regular professional work, to spend the academic terms in residence at Stanford and to participate fully in fellowship seminars and activities. Further, Fellows who apply with the support of their news organizations agree to return to that organization.

Fellows receive a stipend of $60,000 plus supplemental allowances for housing, childcare, health insurance, books, equipment and moving expenses. The program pays Stanford tuition for each Fellow.

All features of the fellowship program are identical to the U.S. Fellows. International Fellows, however, are financed separately by grants from a variety of sources, including the Fulbright program, the Knight Foundation, the Shin-young Journalism Fund, the Lyle and Corrine Nelson International Journalism Fellowship Fund and the Yahoo! International Journalism Fund.

In addition, the selection of International Fellows is designed to ensure that journalists from a wide range of countries and regions are represented, especially countries where a returning Knight Fellow could have a direct impact on the development of a free press and flow of information in their countries.

The Knight Fellowships program reserves one fellowship each year for a journalist from Latin America under special funding from the Knight Foundation. The program also reserves one fellowship each year, using special funding from Yahoo!, for a journalist from a country where there are restrictions on freedom of the press, either by governmental agencies or other forces.

Candidates write two essays: a statement of how they propose to spend their fellowship year and what they expect to have to show for it at the end, and a journalistic autobiography. Applicants who are employed (not freelancers or independent proprietors) must submit a letter from their employer endorsing their application and granting a leave of absence if chosen for a fellowship. Three letters of recommendation, including one from the applicant’s immediate supervisor, are required as well as work samples.

Applicants must be fluent in written and spoken English. All materials submitted must be in English. If samples of the applicant’s work are in another language, English translations must be provided.

Each application is evaluated by the Knight Fellowships staff, supplemented by Stanford faculty members and people outside the program who are knowledgeable about journalism issues in particular countries or regions.

Application Requirements
Applications are now being accepted. If you would like to start preparing your materials or want to begin the application process please view the application information and online form.

Questions? Please email us at [email protected]


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