KidCitizen, developed by Snow and Company and University of South Florida, introduces a new way for young students (K-5) to engage with history through primary sources. In the interactive episodes, children explore civics and government concepts by investigating primary source photographs. They also connect what they find with their daily lives.
The Research Learning Modules, developed by Maryland Public Television and Maryland Humanities, include a series of self-paced lessons for students to learn the research process—from analyzing sources to writing solid thesis statements and more. Each module includes a brief video introduction and opportunities for practice.
DBQuest, developed by iCivics, introduces students to major questions in civics and history. A Big Question acts as guiding light for deep examination of three selected primary resources. Each document challenges students to dig into the text itself and find the relevant information through document–based supporting questions.
Engaging Congress, developed by the Indiana University Center on Representative Government, is a series of game-based learning activities that explores the basic tenets of representative government and the challenges that it faces in contemporary society. Primary source documents are used to examine the history and evolution of issues that confront Congress today.
Case Maker, developed by Bean Creative, is a customizable system for inquiry-based learning for 6-8 grade students using primary sources from the Library of Congress. Modeled after the ‘observe, reflect, question,’ framework, Case Maker guides students to challenge a question, collect evidence, and make a case.
Eagle Eye Citizen, developed by the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, engages middle and high school students in solving and creating interactive challenges on American history, civics, and government with Library of Congress primary sources in order to develop students’ civic understanding and historical thinking skills. Their featured challenge focuses on the women’s suffrage movement.