2020-2021 Best Colleges list, a ranking of the 739 top colleges in America based on quality, alumni outcomes, and affordability. After sorting through some 20,000 data points, we determined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to be the No. 1 best value in the country. (Go Tech!)
These rankings couldn’t come at a better time. College costs are more important than ever right now as campuses struggle to reopen, online classes begin in earnest, and families take a hard look at how much they’re paying for higher education.
Our rankings live on an interactive website with a ton of cool features, including a build your own rankings tool
that lets you create a custom list according to what’s important to you
— whether that’s location, size, test scores, majors, or financial aid.
We’ve also broken down our rankings into several smaller lists, naming everything from the Most Transformative Colleges to the Best Colleges Where More Than Half of Applicants Get In.
If you’re a student, parent, grandparent, or simply an interested reader, we encourage you to check out the full rankings here. Then head to Money.com to learn more about the best 25 colleges for your wallet, why tuition isn’t lower if classes are online, how to find an antiracist school, and how the pandemic is changing admissions. Finally, forward this email to a friend or relative who could use it. We’ve got tips, explainers, scholarships, student loan news, reviews, and so much more.