The fourth call for ABEM scholarship applications is now open. The submission deadline is 11:59pm East African Time on 29 January 2019. Applications for the following mobility types will be considered:
Master’s degree-seeking mobility for women only:
Host universities: Kenyatta University and Addis Ababa University
Home universities: any of the partner universities (i.e. Target Group 1 only)
Master’s credit-seeking mobility for women only:
Host universities: Kenyatta University and Addis Ababa University
Home universities: any African university (i.e. Target Group 1 and Target Group 2)
PhD credit-seeking mobility for women and men:
Host universities: Kenyatta University and Cairo University
Home universities: any African university (i.e. Target Group 1 and Target Group 2)
Staff mobility for women and men:
Host universities: Partner universities excluding the University of Cape Town
Home universities: All partner universities