The call for submissions of concept notes for Phase 2 of Cultivate Africa’s Future is now open.
In June 2017, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and IDRC announced a 10-year program framework that includes a five-year CA$20 million (AUD$20 million) partnership for Cultivate Africa’s Future – Phase 2 (CultiAF-2).
The main objective of this competitive research fund is to support applied research in areas vital to achieving long-term food security with a focus on improved productivity and incomes for farmers and communities and decreased post-harvest losses; improved gender equity; nutrition and human health; and climate change and sustainable water management.
Through this call, the fund is seeking to harness the best of the private, public, and non-governmental sectors to expand its research portfolio and support cutting edge applied field and/or laboratory research projects with the potential to generate high impact and innovative results with particular impact on the food insecure and poor in eligible eastern and southern African countries.
CultiAF-2 will focus geographically in 10 countries throughout eastern and southern Africa (Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe). These countries are ACIAR focal countries and are a subset of IDRC priority countries in the region. This will allow the initiative to achieve a greater impact within the regions while continuing to ensure results can be scaled up to other countries in eastern and southern Africa and complement other ACIAR and IDRC initiatives.
The deadline for the submission of concept notes is March 1, 2018 at 17:00 hours East Africa Time (EAT).
Project budgets under this call will be in the range of CA$1 million (AUD$1 million) to CA$3 million (AUD$3 million) and will run for up to 42 months.
For more information go to IDRC’s call page