Postulez avant le 03 février 2017 pour une bourse de formation en Allemagne! Pour postulez, rendez-vous sur ce site: www.afrika-kommt.de
Who can apply? Candidate requirements
Formal eligibility requirements – Candidates need to fulfill the following formal eligibility requirements:
University degree in a relevant subject (please see individual company profiles below)
Postgraduate degree (e.g. MBA) is an advantage
Two to five years of relevant work experience
Excellent English language skills
Basic knowledge of the German language is an advantage Not older than 35 years and physically fit
Female candidates are welcome
Candidate profiles
The AFRIKA KOMMT! fellowship program aims at highly qualified, self-driven young professionals and junior executives from Sub-Saharan Africa with several years of hands-on work experience, strong leadership qualities and a very high level of commitment and dedication.
Besides the specific technical expertise relevant to the partner company, the program requires candidates to have the following set of general skills and attributes.
Language and communication skills:
Excellent English skills
Strong oral and written communication skills
High willingness to learn German
Professional skills:
High leadership potential
Strong self-motivation and self-starter mentality
High level of dedication, commitment and target-orientation
Strong capacity for teamwork
Personal attributes:
High level of enthusiasm, flexibility and resilience
Outstanding intercultural competencies
Ability to adapt to new environments quickly
Pour en savoir plus:
Flyer – Cliquez ici