National Gallery of Art Announces Graduate Interns for 2009–2010
Internships in the Museum Profession
Internships in the Museum Profession at the National Gallery of Art provide institutional training to students interested in pursuing a museum career. Working closely with professional staff at the Gallery, interns participate in the ongoing work of a department, complete a project or a discrete portion of a larger project, and attend a weekly museum seminar that introduces the staff, departments, programs, and functions of the Gallery. The following project is available:
Education: Art Around the Corner and Multiple-Visit Outreach Programs for Underserved Audiences
The intern will assist with multiple-visit programs, including Art Around the Corner, the Gallery’s partnership program with the DC public schools, and with other outreach programs for underserved youth and family audiences. Duties will include lesson development; supporting and teaching lessons that integrate art-making activities with observation and discussion exercises in the galleries; preparing materials and props for lessons and tours; and organizing program images and data. Required: knowledge of current research in museum education and learning theory, experience teaching children (especially ages 8 to 12), and a proven ability to teach students in exhibition spaces. A background in art history, studio art, photography, or new media is welcomed. A solid knowledge of American and European art and proficiency in Microsoft Office are essential; proficiency in Adobe Photoshop is preferred.
Current graduate students in education, art education, museum education, museum studies, fine arts, and art history are eligible to apply. Recent graduate degree recipients are also eligible (degree must have been received no earlier than spring 2009). Applicants from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply. This is an international program.
Interns are in residence at the Gallery from September 20, 2010, to August 19, 2011, and work full time. Interns receive a stipend of approximately $30,000 that is subject to all applicable taxes.
Internships in the Museum Profession Application Form (PDF 40k)
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Application Timeline and Procedures
May 27, 2010
Deadline for application packets. Applications received after this date will not be considered.
Application Materials
Complete application packets must include:
Six copies of completed application form.
Six copies of full résumé or CV.
Three letters of recommendation: one from the chair or dean of your department, one from your advisor, and one from an individual of your choosing. Letters must be in sealed envelopes with the signature of your reference across the seal.
Six copies of a writing sample, such as a 15-page research paper or lesson plans.
Transcripts (for applicants at institutions that issue transcripts): send us six copies of transcripts from each undergraduate and graduate institution you have attended. This can be done in either of the following ways:
open a copy of an official transcript and make five copies of the original and send all six to the mailing address below;
make six copies of unofficial transcripts and send all six to the mailing address below.
Note: If you choose the second option and are accepted into the program, you will need to provide us with one official transcript from each institution you have attended. Should you have difficulty in securing transcripts, a third option is to request that the records officer or registrar from each institution send the transcripts directly to the National Gallery via fax or e-mail. The fax number is (202) 842-6935, attn: Department of Academic Programs; the e-mail address is
For applicants at institutions that do not issue transcripts: send six copies of comparable documents. If you have a question about what might be considered a comparable document, please contact
Review Process
All applications will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of Gallery staff.
Mailing Address
Department of Academic Programs
Division of Education
National Gallery of Art
2000B South Club Drive
Landover, MD 20785
Graduate Curatorial Internships
Graduate Curatorial Internships at the National Gallery of Art provide in-depth training for advanced PhD students and recent PhD recipients interested in gaining curatorial experience in a museum setting. Interns work with curators on permanent collection and exhibition projects and attend a weekly museum seminar that introduces the staff, departments, programs, and functions of the Gallery. The duties and responsibilities are comparable to those of curatorial assistants.
Information for the 2011-2012 Graduate Curatorial Internships will be announced this fall. If you would like to learn more about Graduate Curatorial Internships at the National Gallery of Art, please contact the department of academic programs by e-mail at or by phone at (202) 842-6257.
Additional information about National Gallery of Art internships and curatorial fellowships is available from the Department of Academic Programs by telephone, (202) 842-6257, or e-mail,