Invitation to Register for an e-Learning course – Knowledge and Human Development Edu

Invitation to Register for an e-Learning course organized by the World Bank Institute: Knowledge and Human Development Education Program

Course Title: “Introduction to Education Statistics and Indicators”

This 5-week online course?facilitated by subject matter experts–will take place November 12 to December 14, 2007. Relevant examples from the education sector, knowledge checks, videos, interesting multimedia presentations on key topics, quizzes, exercises, and discussion forums throughout the course provide an interactive environment to enhance self-paced and group learning. This course is aimed at the education policy maker who would like to make better use of education statistics and research in his or her decision making. If you plan to take other World Bank Institute Education Program courses such as” Strategic
Choices for Education Reform”and “Education for Development and Competitiveness:
Challenges and Opportunities for Post-Basic Education” , this e-learning course
provides an excellent way of refreshing your knowledge and skills of education
statistics and indicators. The course is valuable as a ?stand-alone? course as

-Course Overview-

This course provides basic statistical concepts and tools for application in the area of decision making for the improvement of educational services. It is intended mainly for people who are involved in education reform and who have the opportunity to influence or contribute to important policy decisions throughout the reform process. So often, as education decision makers endeavor to find optimal solutions for problems in their education systems, they are overwhelmed by the task of making sense of information presented in the form of education research, school/district reports, survey/opinion polls, or financial briefs.
This course is designed to help education decision makers acquire (or refresh) an understanding of basic statistics in order that they may comfortably access information and confidently make wise policy choices.

In designing this course, we have drawn upon the type of information education policy makers encounter on a daily basis. Therefore, unlike traditional statistics courses, “Introduction to Education Statistics and Indicators” introduces concepts and tools such as graph reading or making sense of quintiles in addition to basic statistics. Course is highly participatory and stimulates critical thinking and reflection as you apply the skills and concepts to both your course exercises and your daily work in the education sector.


Registration: Apply on-line here (Dead Line: November 7, 2007)…g/statistics07
Course Fees: The fee for the e-learning course is $200 (Details will be given on the website).
Course Certificate from the World Bank Institute: To complete the course and receive a course certificate, it is necessary to complete all modules, quizzes and exercises, sufficient participation in discussion forums and answer all self-evaluation questions.

-Several comments from Evaluations of the previous course-

I would like to thank all the staff (Task administrator, moderator, and
course participants) and the Institute for your unreserved effort to make the
discussion more attractive and provoke valuable insights. Particularly
helpful were the extra attached materials & links, and examples drawn from
the actual situations. As it was my first time to participate in such a
situation (virtual class) I became very inspired to learn more on the
subject. Thanks again!
Thanks a lot for everything, as I really enjoyed the course and learned a lot
from it. Your assistance to us was prompt and comprehensive.
I hope the World Bank continues to organize such courses for people like us
who find it difficult to leave their desk.
This course has been an eye opener for me. I’m not trained in statistics so
this was my first attempt at understanding the area. The course has been very
useful to me and i will be able to apply what i have learned to my job.

-Facilitators and speakers for this course-

Donald Winkler is a course director and facilitator. He is a Senior Research
Economist at the Research Triangle Institute [RTI], International,
and Consultant to the World Bank. He is a US national. His areas of expertise
include education finance, decentralization, and institutional analysis. He has
written and published widely on education decentralization, and earlier this
year he organized a conference on Social Sector Decentralization at the World
Bank. Prior to joining RTI, Mr. Winkler held several managerial and technical
positions in the education and public sector management sectors in the World
Bank. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from the University of California,
Berkeley, and taught economics at the University of California and was Professor
of Public Policy at the University of Southern California.

Vaibhav Gupta is a course facilitator. He is a consultant to the World Bank. His
areas of interest include education, health and governance. He has previously
worked with the Observer Research Foundation, a reputed public policy think-tank
in India and also the Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP).
He received his Masters in Public Policy from Georgetown University and an
undergraduate degree in Economics from Cambridge University (UK).

*This course will also include video interviews with statisticians, planners,
and senior government officials working in the education sector.

– Contact Information-

If you have further questions, please send an e-mail to Ms. Keiko Takei at
[email protected].

Keiko Takei
The World Bank
Education Program (WBIHD)
Mail Stop J3-302
1818 H Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20433
Office: +1 202.473.6671

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