Ecole de Poto-Poto du Congo Brazzaville…ils.asp?page=6
Institut de Formation Artistique NINA GIANETTI (IFA)/ Institut de formation artistique (IFA) de Mbalmayo (Cameroun)
BP : 50 MBALMAYO (Cameroun)
Académie des Beaux-Arts de Kinshasa
1 av. Pierre c/ de la gombe
please i intend to know if you got a library with books on sculptural art “l’art sculpture” on black africa.
i intend to come to, your school and research on such books.example of the books i like to lay hands on resarch are;;
l’art hemba by F neyt
phemba du mayombe by Raoul Lehuard.
l’art Lega by Daniel Biebuyck.and
many more….
please i will really appreciate a quick response to this mail as i intend to come to Mbalmayo on this Thursday,just for that.